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32, 대한민국에서 옴
자유로운 멤버
April 18, 2010 14:20
April 18, 2010 14:20
Somebody Help Me! I don't have Any Idea
37, 알제리에서 옴
자유로운 멤버
April 18, 2010 15:05
April 18, 2010 15:05
For a reason known only to God 😁
30, 미국에서 옴
자유로운 멤버
April 18, 2010 21:36
April 18, 2010 21:36
Um...because he wans humans to suffer? and he has to feed the spiders. idfk
38, 터키에서 옴
자유로운 멤버
April 18, 2010 21:49
41, 알제리에서 옴
새로운 멤버
May 10, 2010 13:35
May 10, 2010 13:35
so you never enjoy a little NAP .... hehehehehe
30, 지브롤터에서 옴
글로벌 중재자
May 10, 2010 21:01
May 10, 2010 21:01
especially for you to have what to smash on the walls
30, 미국에서 옴
자유로운 멤버
May 10, 2010 22:16
May 10, 2010 22:16
They have some purpose in the Circle of Life.
Lol. I don't know what it is though. 😛
29, 핀란드에서 옴
새로운 멤버
June 14, 2010 15:28
June 14, 2010 15:28
oh in that case you really should come to finland ! here's plenty of those in the summer soo i think you'd love to spend a lovely summer with lovely mosquitos haha
27, 네덜란드에서 옴
자유로운 멤버
June 14, 2010 16:32
June 14, 2010 16:32
He made them to irritate people like you. 😃
53, 남아프리카에서 옴
정기적인 멤버
June 15, 2010 14:27
35, 튀니지에서 옴
자유로운 멤버
June 16, 2010 03:03
June 16, 2010 03:03
to bite poeple who like sleep all the time!! 😛
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