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32 años,
32 años, de Italia
Miembro Nuevo
May 22, 2020 20:16
May 22, 2020 20:16
Hi, I'm Lucia, 27. I would like an old-fashioned, slightly beatnik correspondence, as if we were Ginsberg, Cassady, Kerouac and Borroughs sending letters around the world, with the difference that our only trips, currently, are mental ones . I find the mail sterile, I wish I could see the handwriting of the writer and read on paper.
50 años,
50 años, de Estados Unidos
August 22, 2020 19:55
August 22, 2020 19:55
I would LOVE to do this! I like seeing real pen-to-paper letters. If you are still using penpal gate, I will gladly respond with a handwritten letter.
My idea is to send a photograph of the letter. But if you prefer actually sending a letter, that's fine, too.
26 años,
26 años, de Polonia
August 22, 2020 21:18
August 22, 2020 21:18
It's a great idea! I also love writing traditional letters. If you are still interested please send me a message.
I will be very pleased 🙂
Robert from Poland 🙂
Este tema ha estado inactivo por un tiempo y ahora es de solo lectura.