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Looking for an English friend
21 años,
21 años, de Italia
April 21, 2020 10:37
April 21, 2020 10:37
Hi everyone, Im Italian and I really need to improve my English, if you're mother tongue is better but if you don't it doesn matter😊
20 años,
20 años, de Rusia
April 24, 2020 05:31
April 24, 2020 05:31
Hi! My name is Anya, I'm from Russia. I really want to meet new friends, who speaks English, because I have studied it for 9 classes and I can't imagine my life without it. And.. also I love to communicate with other people))
52 años,
52 años, de Nueva Zelanda
April 25, 2020 04:03
April 25, 2020 04:03
Hi Im Sammyo from New Zealand, English is our main language here. If you would like help, I'm more than happy to help. Ping me 🙂
Este tema ha estado inactivo por un tiempo y ahora es de solo lectura.