French girl looking for femal penpal - 13/14 years

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Hello I am Sérane and I want inprove my english . I can help you in french. We can start by chat or video chat and become penpals.
I hop have a new friend .
My family can welcome you during french school hollydays .
I live in Jura in a mountain village.
I hope to read you soon .♥♥

Hello Serane, I'm Brazilian and I want to improve my english and my french too... Je suis debutant au français..

Hey Sérane I can help you with English and I want to improve my French

Hello Julienne .
It's cool, We can chat for inprove we language ( french for you and english for me )
We can become friends ☻☺

je voudrait prend la langue français , besoin d'une personne aider moi

You can write to me if you want

You can write to me if you want
Tanx i will

Sorry but I would like find an English native person

Okey keep searching


Bonjour; salut! J'ai 13 ans et j'étudie le français à l'école. Je connais l'anglais et quelques différences avec l'américain.
En mai, j'irai avec l'école en France.
J'aimerais devenir des amis stylos!
Écrivez-moi bientôt 🙂

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