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19 años,
19 años, de China
January 03, 2020 06:52
January 03, 2020 06:52
Here is a listener, you can tell me your story.😊
Editado por Yiyang February 10, 2020 13:48 .
27 años,
27 años, de Colombia
March 28, 2020 21:56
March 28, 2020 21:56
Hi! I'm Yulissa from colombia, how are you?
31 años,
31 años, de Italia
March 29, 2020 14:52
March 29, 2020 14:52
Hi girls how are you? I'm italian... Actually im so boring because the quarantine binging too hard... Anyway we are positive! I hope you olso... The and all you stay fine... Please confirm me that... 🙏🏻
And what is your passion? How you make in this period?
19 años,
19 años, de Países Bajos
March 29, 2020 20:28
March 29, 2020 20:28
Hi, I really wants to learn speak better English, would you like to have a conversation with me? Please send a text, I would like to talk with you.
23 años,
23 años, de Sri Lanka
March 30, 2020 00:46
March 30, 2020 00:46
Hey Friends ,im Aadhil and an Engineering Tech Student , and want to improve my english , anyone interested to be my friend?
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Este tema ha estado inactivo por un tiempo y ahora es de solo lectura.