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38 años,
38 años, de Alemania
July 16, 2019 15:20
July 16, 2019 15:20
Hi everyone,
I am a big sport fan and like to talk and write with you about the big US SPORTS like the NFL and NBA.
Which is your favourite Sportteam and why?
Like to hear from you!
29 años,
29 años, de Chequia
August 23, 2019 13:26
August 23, 2019 13:26
Hi there, i'm a sport fan too, i like football (soccer). I know mls in america, PREMIER LEAGUE, LIGA, LIGUE 1, BUNDESLIGA, SERIE A in Europa..
26 años,
26 años, de China
August 24, 2019 01:10
August 24, 2019 01:10
Yes NBA NFL they are so famous and great. But I like soccer more. I like premier league LALIGA. Does American like playing soccer?
29 años,
29 años, de Chequia
August 24, 2019 08:53
August 24, 2019 08:53
I think yes. American like soccer even through it's not like football 🏈 but their soccer league, the MSL is famous... And America women national team has won the word cup 2019...
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