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22 ans,
22 ans, de Italie
Hi! I'm an Italian girl and I'm looking for someone of my age who wants to make a cultural exchange this summer. Write here if you are interested.
104 ans,
104 ans, de Laos
Hi, where would you like to go?
22 ans,
22 ans, de Italie
I'd like to stay in Europe just because i think the travel would be cheaper but in the end it's the same
35 ans,
35 ans, de Allemagne
Hi! I'm an Italian girl and I'm looking for someone of my age who wants to make a cultural exchange this summer. Write here if you are interested.
Hi sossi
I am also looking for someone to write and for a cultural exchange.
If you are interested for more Informations write me please
Ce sujet est inactif depuis un moment et est désormais en lecture seule.