Difference between trip, travel and journey

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Hi! I'm looking for a native English speaker that could explain to me what is the difference between trip, travel and journey maybe with examples.

Thank you in advance for your help!
Best regards,

Short answer, there isn't a difference, long answer. It depends on the context, for example finding who you are what you like what you want out of life can be considered a journey, a weekend away can be classed as a trip, and travel can be anything, like if I went for a 1 hour drive somewhere I can say I travelled there, but in general it doesnt exactly matter, the English language has a lot of words that mean the same thing. My advice don't worry, as long as you get your point across its fine. Here's what I mean, I recently travelled to Japan, I recently took a trip to Japan, I recently took a journey to Japan. I recently took a holiday to Japan, I recently took a vaction to Japan, they all mean the same thing.

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