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I’d like a Spanish penpal to improve my Spanish
26 ans,
26 ans, de Pays-Bas
I’ve just started a Spanish course, and I’m looking for someone who I can practise my Spanish with.
Please message me if you can help!
31 ans,
31 ans, de Canada
I'm from Chile and my first language is spanish, you could practice spanish with me if you wish! 🙂
22 ans,
22 ans, de France
Nouveau Membre
Hi! I also want to practise my Spanish if you want, let's talk Spanish together !!
42 ans,
42 ans, de Espagne
Nouveau Membre
Hola. Soy español. Puedo ayudarte si lo deseas/ Hi. I am Spanish. I can help you if you wish
Ce sujet est inactif depuis un moment et est désormais en lecture seule.