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well, i'd like a penpal that would exchange emails with me.
i have one now who i regularly talk with. i'm kinda new to this website..
so.... just let me know i guess. Lol.
I'm 19 and just starting college... I'm looking for penpals all over the world. To Improve language but also to learn about new country's and people. I had to go international for a school assinement... And this seams like a perfect opertunety.
Ofcourse there's a little extra... This way I'm having fun... and still able to tell my parents I'm working for school.
I'm good at talking languages but suck at writing... Still I speak dutch, Englisch and French... If you want to improve one of them... don't hesitate!
I'm Anna and I'm from Russia. I'd like to find friends from all countries, where the main language is English. If you want to be my friend send me e-mail.
Hi 🙂 I search for a penpal too. I want to make new friends and also improve my english. If you wanna talk to me.. I'm right here waiting for you!
i can help you improve your english if you want r my emails: (email hidden)(email hidden)(email hidden)(email hidden) and my skype is almosttriplek you can pick whichever you like and add me...see you online or email me lol 😁
I'm Anna and I'm from Russia. I'd like to find friends from all countries, where the main language is English. If you want to be my friend send me e-mail.
hey wats keji kujjo...from milwaukee wisconsin u.s and i'd like to be your emails are (email hidden)(email hidden) and my skype is almosttriplek....ok me or see you soon online...