Searching for help English

Hi guys) I am writing here because I can not find a help somewhere else. I have some problems in my personal life and I need a good psychologist. Okey, if you not that one but are able to listen and say something, please, write here 🙂 I just want to talk to somewhere because i'm really preoccupied with my problems (

Hey, I'm not (obviously) a psychologist, but i'd really like to read your messages and to try (hardly!) to help you, or if I can't just listen to you and let you blow out every problem!

Hej I´m not a psychologist too, but I would listen)) And you also can write in Russian😉

try me!


If you want you can talk with me

Hello! My name is Elena, I need help.. I'm learning to draw. A few days ago I drew a small multi-coloured whale and suddenly realized that it's absolutely necessary for him to get to Brazil. Since that I've been looking for a person from Brazil who can help me. I'd like to send him (or her) my whale by post.

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