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Want make friends and practice english!
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33 años,
33 años, de México
Miembro Nuevo
August 12, 2015 23:03
August 12, 2015 23:03
Hello, im eduardo, i want to make firiends arround the world and leanr new languages, in this moment i learn english and i need a person who talk it,im native spanish speaker if you want i teach you spanish, i have fb , and whatsapp!
33 años,
33 años, de Canadá
September 16, 2015 19:48
September 16, 2015 19:48
Hi Eduardo! 🙂 I'm from Canada, if you're still looking to find people to help you improve your English 🙂
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Este tema ha estado inactivo por un tiempo y ahora es de solo lectura.