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29 años,
29 años, de Italia
October 26, 2014 12:05
October 26, 2014 12:05
hey eveybody, i wanna improve my english skills and learn some finnish..
is there anyone who wants to help me?
thank you..
peace <3
37 años,
37 años, de Marruecos
January 15, 2015 21:40
January 15, 2015 21:40
i need to delete my account here and it says access denied, what should i do pleas ?
34 años,
34 años, de Alemania
January 16, 2015 14:22
January 16, 2015 14:22
i also wanna improve my English :] if someone can help me ? i will be happy :]
30 años,
30 años, de Estados Unidos
January 28, 2015 19:19
January 28, 2015 19:19
If anyone would like help with their english I would be more than happy to teach or tutor as much as I could via Skype or email!
Send me a message here or at (email hidden)
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Este tema ha estado inactivo por un tiempo y ahora es de solo lectura.