Looking for a penpal ;)

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Hi everyone, i'm looking for a pen pal to talk with everyday so I can improve my English or learn other interesting languages, but also to have a new real friend from another country 🙂. Wish anyone is interested. And finally exuse me if I've done some grammatical errors 😃

Hey 🙂
You sound nice and if you want we could write a bit. I live in Germany and I think I have good English skills 😃 But of course I can speak german a lot better.

PS: I didn't notice any grammatical errors 😃

Hi 😁
I see you learn Russian and it's great. If you want, I can help you. Write comment on my wall. I wait 🙂

La mia madrelingua e russo. Parlo anche francese, un po inglese. Sto imparando italiano adesso. Se qualcuno e interessato, scrivimi!

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