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Penpal in England!
25, da Italia
Nuovo Membro
February 26, 2014 18:22
February 26, 2014 18:22
Hi! :clap
I am an Italian girl, and I have fifteen years old. I am looking for a pen pal in England to improve my English. Obviously, I love England, and perhaps I will visit this summer. I also thought about doing the "exchange" is cute 🙂 .
Who wants to help me?
P.S.: Sorry for my bad English. sweatdrop
50, da Regno Unito
March 03, 2014 15:51
March 03, 2014 15:51
Hi, your English is not that bad. A lot of english people struggle with their own language but I think you have done well.
I could help you if you would like by sending emails etc.
email me on
(email hidden)
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