Looking for a penfriend

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Hi everybody, I'm Megan, from belgium, I'm a french native speaker and i'm looking for an english native speaker.. I'd like to improve my english so it would be really cool 🙂 (between 15 and 19 years old please 🙂 ) Bye! 001_icon16

Hi Megan! How are you??
My name is Julien, I'm from France but i'm a French and English native speaker! I would be pleased to help you if you want, it's no problem for me 😃
Oh and by the way i'm 17 (between 15 and 19 years old please 😉 )
See you!!!!! 001_icon16

Hello Megan!!!
I'm Delia, I'm from Canada, so English and French are both my native languages! I'd be glad to talk with you 🙂

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