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32, 오스트리아에서 옴
July 27, 2013 17:31
July 27, 2013 17:31
hello people all of the world big_smile
currently i make an education to a male nurse.
that's why i'm here...
i need to fresh up my english.. just talking about the day, job, education or anything else 🙂
maybe i can help with some german? :clap
33, 대만에서 옴
July 28, 2013 05:26
July 28, 2013 05:26
wow cool
My mayjor is Nursing too =|
My english still have to practice too.
29, 필리핀에서 옴
July 28, 2013 05:27
July 28, 2013 05:27
Hi Florian 🙂
maybe i can help you with daily conversation 🙂
so if your interested just leave a message on my profile
ciao 🙂
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