Hey, Great to be here

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Hello, I'm mikael magnano, french, and I would like to thank basically the people behind this site. Those penpal reunions offer IMO great possibilities, but it would be good to push them up to the point where physical meetings would become commonplace.
My callsign is starlord (a little gift of my old school friends when I would describe space for them LOL). I happen to have lots of passions (mainly dealing with science and sci-fi, although I'm truly drawed towards cultures, religions (even though I'm an atheist) and miths.
I've been abroad very early (mostly in seoul, south korea) and I've visited several parts of asia, like singapour, hong kong (when it was still an english protectorate) indonesia, malysia, etc...
I'm currently in france, and I would like to point you at this site: http://www.happypeople26.com/
Even though it's french (however with english speaking members, this site regularly offers real time reunions: should you wish to truly meet your correspondant (if he happens to be in france) then this might be a tempting way.

Should there be other questions, please do fire away.

best regards to all.


You can meet whoever you want by contacting them and making them your friends, which is the least you can do before meeting someone..

Yes, I know that part.

However, I feel it's always more interesting to meet in the flesh after a while. Pity distances are sometimes so big.

best regards.

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