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I'm looking for a penpal from Europe
30 ans,
30 ans, de Pologne
June 23, 2012 18:40
June 23, 2012 18:40
Hi 🙂 as the topic says, im searching for the teenager [b]snailmail[/b] pal from any country from Europe (except Poland, obviously 😛 )
you can read some about me in my profile 😛
and i'm waiting for the messages and mails
32 ans,
32 ans, de Belgique
June 25, 2012 21:06
40 ans,
40 ans, de Italie
Nouveau Membre
August 02, 2012 21:45
August 02, 2012 21:45
hi nice to meet you
I'm from Italy and i would like writing to you
My name is luigi and i'm 28
Ce sujet est inactif depuis un moment et est désormais en lecture seule.