I'm searching an english penpal :)

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I want to speak english with someone to improve my english! I love it and I'd meet a new peolple 🙂

Hello there,

How are you?? I'm fine.
I'm from the Netherlands and I hope that you wanna write with me.
If you wanne be my penpal would you answer me first???

Lots of Love and Take Care


Are you interested in visiting England or another country in order learn the language and experience the culture? There's a great website called www.xilfee.eu which allows you to organise your own visit. Have a look at the site and the families offering stays. IT IS FREE TO LOOK. If you then decide to contact one of the families, please use this code – FSS-EM2-512 - as you will get a reduction on the registration fee.
Have a look...
Many thanks

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