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Hello all,

Just a quick message to share the latest additions to the forum:
- Visiting an unread topic you are subscribed to now takes you directly to the first message haven't seen, instead of the very end of the topic.
- You can now mention other users in your posts by typing `@` followed by their username. This will automatically notify them by subscribing them to the topic.
You can disable this feature in your account settings if you'd rather not be notified.

Have a great day!

Hi @Etienne!! That is really cool the new forum possibilities! πŸ™‚ I tried that with your name now to see if it works! πŸ˜›

Edit: I think it works!! πŸ˜ƒ Merci beaucoup et une bonne journΓ©e!!


@Etienne great πŸ™‚πŸ˜‰


Good !πŸ™‚

The Trivia is very nice new part of the forum! πŸ˜› BUTTTT it is difficult!!! And I cheated a little bit because i did the questions together with a friend just a moment ago at school. 😬😬 But maybe we have 2 correct I hope πŸ˜ƒ

The Trivia is very nice new part of the forum! πŸ˜› BUTTTT it is difficult!!! And I cheated a little bit because i did the questions together with a friend just a moment ago at school. 😬😬 But maybe we have 2 correct I hope πŸ˜ƒ

Today's questions are a little hard yes, but the next ones they should be a bit easier πŸ˜›. They are randomly selected from a large pool of questions

Today's questions are a little hard yes, but the next ones they should be a bit easier πŸ˜›. They are randomly selected from a large pool of questions

Did you also make the test monsieur Etienne? If so I hope that we got a better score! πŸ˜› But with two questions we just guessed because we had no idea.

Did you also make the test monsieur Etienne? If so I hope that we got a better score! πŸ˜› But with two questions we just guessed because we had no idea.
I did take the test yes but I didn't get the highest score 🀫️. Results will show tonight!

I did take the test yes but I didn't get the highest score 🀫️. Results will show tonight!

Maybe the winner gets a new badge for the profile. πŸ™‚ And one problem: maybe I did something wrong but i cant make a new forum post anymore after i did the trivia game. But maybe i did something wrong! πŸ˜›

Maybe the winner gets a new badge for the profile. πŸ™‚
Maybe? Who knows πŸ˜‡οΈ

And one problem: maybe I did something wrong but i cant make a new forum post anymore after i did the trivia game. But maybe i did something wrong! πŸ˜›
There was an issue that prevented new topics from being created but it has now been fixed!

Edited by Etienne .