주의 : 귀하의 브라우저는 더 이상 사용되지 않으며 이 사이트와 호환되지 않을 수도 있습니다. 더 나은 환경을 위해 업데이트 해주세요.
주의 : 이 웹사이트의 대부분의 기능들은 Javascript 에 의해 작동됩니다. 활성화하지 않으면 일부 작업을 수행할 수 없습니다.
36, 프랑스에서 옴
September 10, 2022 08:57
September 10, 2022 08:57
Hello all,
The most observant of you might have noticed a new microphone icon sitting next to the message field on the conversation page. That's right, you can now record audio messages, like you would on other messaging apps. How many of you think you will actively use it? Give it a try and feel free to share your feedback! 🙂
28, 폴란드에서 옴
September 10, 2022 10:24
September 10, 2022 10:24
Really good idea! Thanks for good work. It will be usefull.
31, 프랑스에서 옴
September 13, 2022 14:59
28, 러시아에서 옴
September 14, 2022 03:59
September 14, 2022 03:59
well thought out. it remains to establish video communication, then everything will be fine!
18, 인도에서 옴
September 14, 2022 07:04
September 14, 2022 07:04
it's very cool! great idea
20, 콩고-킨샤사에서 옴
September 30, 2022 08:37
September 30, 2022 08:37
Sounds great, but they don’t work for me; I receive them but can’t listen to them 😕 .
36, 프랑스에서 옴
September 30, 2022 16:22
September 30, 2022 16:22
Sounds great, but they don’t work for me; I receive them but can’t listen to them 😕 .
Weird, it looks like you're on iPhone which should support the WebM format if your phone is up to date.
20, 콩고-킨샤사에서 옴
September 30, 2022 19:27
September 30, 2022 19:27
Sounds great, but they don’t work for me; I receive them but can’t listen to them 😕 .
Weird, it looks like you're on iPhone which should support the WebM format if your phone is up to date.
It is I recently updated it 🙁 So I’ve no idea why it doesn’t work I thought it was due to my browser but apparently not.
36, 프랑스에서 옴
October 01, 2022 08:48
October 01, 2022 08:48
It is I recently updated it 🙁 So I’ve no idea why it doesn’t work I thought it was due to my browser but apparently not.
I would be interested to know if other iPhone users are encountering the same issue, if anyone wants to share their experience.
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