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30, da Francia
Nuovo Membro
July 23, 2010 11:01
July 23, 2010 11:01
hello I have a problem
How Can I know if I have a mail ?
Thanks 🙂
40, da Francia
August 03, 2010 07:21
August 03, 2010 07:21
je me demandai exactement la meme question que toi,'jallai la poser 🙂
et bien attendons....
30, da Gibilterra
Moderatore Globale
August 03, 2010 10:13
August 03, 2010 10:13
hello I have a problem
How Can I know if I have a mail ?
Thanks 🙂
if you mean how can you know when you receive an e-mail form another member , it will appear in your inbox as "New message from [user who sent you the e-mail]" and sender "Penpal-Gate".
36, da Francia
August 13, 2010 15:30
August 13, 2010 15:30
Also, if you received comments and haven't read them yet, a link will appear on your homepage.
35, da Polonia
June 02, 2012 17:42
June 02, 2012 17:42
Where I can find message biox?
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