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22 años,
22 años, de Francia
September 19, 2017 19:31
September 19, 2017 19:31
I added some place on the map, but I add a wrong place, and now I can't delete it. Someone can help me please ? :/
22 años,
22 años, de Francia
September 19, 2017 19:44
September 19, 2017 19:44
Finally, the problem is solved 😁
55 años,
55 años, de Alemania
Miembro Nuevo
September 08, 2019 17:44
September 08, 2019 17:44
Hi Nekania,
how did you solve it? I have the same problem.
Best regards, Heike
21 años,
21 años, de Países Bajos
September 08, 2019 19:42
September 08, 2019 19:42
Hi Heike,
If you zoom in on the map, you can tap on the orange circle (so not the entire country). You should then get the option to delete the place.
Kind regards, Anna
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