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29, da Paesi Bassi
December 03, 2012 16:43
December 03, 2012 16:43
Hey, I've got some problems with the chat today. It used to work perfectly but today I got an error when I tried to open the chat. A new tab opens but then I got the error that "Google Chrome can't make connection with" I usually work with google chrome but when I got the error, I tried it with Internet explorer too but still got that error. Does somebody know why this happens and what to do about it?
X Willemien
30, da Italia
December 03, 2012 17:43
December 03, 2012 17:43
I'm having this trouble too. I tried logging on from my iPad and my pc using Chrome, and it doesn't work.
31, da Polonia
December 03, 2012 21:15
29, da Paesi Bassi
December 03, 2012 21:36
December 03, 2012 21:36
Isn't there some technical person who knows how to fix this.. It's so annoying.. 🙁
40, da Francia
December 05, 2012 21:53
December 05, 2012 21:53
changing your internet browser for a better one, I've got no problem at all with Opera 🙂
36, da Francia
December 20, 2012 14:49
December 20, 2012 14:49
Hi, the problem you guys experienced was just temporary.
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