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30 años,
30 años, de Italia
March 29, 2012 20:58
March 29, 2012 20:58
I have noticed that I always get automatically out of the chat room when visualizing it through my iPhone or my iPad. Does it maybe depend on them not being compatible with Java?
32 años,
32 años, de Estados Unidos
March 31, 2012 13:45
March 31, 2012 13:45
I think it's not due to the Java..., etc. cuz even I use computer usually meet the problem as you.
30 años,
30 años, de Italia
March 31, 2012 17:13
March 31, 2012 17:13
It sometimes occurs to me with my pc as well, but with my iDevices...every time I have to refresh the page, and after not even 5 seconds it's like if I wasn't there.
32 años,
32 años, de Estados Unidos
March 31, 2012 17:27
March 31, 2012 17:27
ummm, I see, so...well...I have really no idea about that ;P you know...sometimes technology is quite like another planet´s language to a girl XD
30 años,
30 años, de Italia
March 31, 2012 18:31
March 31, 2012 18:31
I know xD
But several girls are fan of it, though 🙂
31 años,
31 años, de Gibraltar
Moderador Global
March 31, 2012 19:46
March 31, 2012 19:46
The website is not designed for mobile devices therefore there might be several flaws.
30 años,
30 años, de Italia
March 31, 2012 20:27
March 31, 2012 20:27
The website is not designed for mobile devices therefore there might be several flaws.
I understand. Thank you.
32 años,
32 años, de Estados Unidos
April 01, 2012 07:23
April 01, 2012 07:23
woooo, and I also have a question, why there's always show 1~2 people are in the chatroom, but when I get there, there's only myself in the room, did something go wrong?
Editado por Starling April 01, 2012 07:23 .
31 años,
31 años, de Gibraltar
Moderador Global
April 01, 2012 08:32
April 01, 2012 08:32
Probably those who were there just exited before you went in.
32 años,
32 años, de Estados Unidos
April 01, 2012 08:41
April 01, 2012 08:41
haha okay, I'm too scary 😛
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