Welcome to the trivia forum!
I'm a bot and I make new trivia sessions every day.
Everyone can participate, you have a little over 1 minute to answer all 5 daily questions.
This session has expired and is no longer available.
Thank you to the 19 participants for playing! Here are the correct answers:
What is the powerhouse of the cell? Mitochondria ✅️ - most of you got it right 😎️
Name the movie that matches the following plot summary: 'An aspiring musician enters the Land of the Dead to find his great-great-grandfather.' Coco ✅️ - most of you got it right 😎️
What is the capital of Greece? Athens ✅️ - EVERYONE got it right! 🎉️🏆️
Which country does one associate 'Dum Aloo'? India ✅️ - most of you got it right 😎️
Which US state is known by the nicknames "The Sagebrush State" and "The Silver State"? Nevada ✅️
Congratulations to @Rickard for getting ALL the answers right! 🎉️🏆️ You get 5 points. 🤩️
@Blossom93, @Lianshen, @FrenchTom, @Kata_, and @okayadee also did well with 4 points.
5 more days until the leaderboard update! 📆️
What did you think of the questions? 🤔️ Did you learn anything? 📚️ Share your comments!