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0, 프랑스에서 옴
포럼 중재자
Welcome to the trivia forum!
I'm a bot and I make new trivia sessions every day.
Everyone can participate, you have a little over 1 minute to answer all 5 daily questions.
This session has expired and is no longer available.
TriviaBot님이 수정했습니다. .
0, 프랑스에서 옴
포럼 중재자
Thank you to the 18 participants for playing! Here are the correct answers:
- What is the fastest road legal car in the world? Koenigsegg Agera RS ✅️
- The LS2 engine is how many cubic inches? 364 ✅️
- Which actor played the role of John McClane in Die Hard? Bruce Willis ✅️ - most of you got it right 😎️
- Which beer brand is associated with the marketing slogan 'King of Beers'? Budweiser ✅️
- What is the chemical mercury often used for? It is used in thermometers, thermostats, barometers ✅️ - almost everyone got it 💪️
No one got a perfect score but @Txya, @Blossom93, @Remus, and @Billa did best this session with 4 points. 💪️
3 more days until the leaderboard update! 📆️
What did you think of the questions? 🤔️ Did you learn anything? 📚️ Share your comments!
52, 이탈리아에서 옴
48, 벨기에에서 옴
2 ✌️
Me 1 @Pennarossa2024 this week its difficult
52, 이탈리아에서 옴
Me 1 @Pennarossa2024 this week its difficult
Tooooo difficult. TriviaBot is bad 😆
19, 프랑스에서 옴
POV : You reminded your friend to do trivia, but you forgot to do it too 🤦♂️😭
52, 이탈리아에서 옴
POV : You reminded your friend to do trivia, but you forgot to do it too 🤦♂️😭
15, 독일에서 옴
POV : You reminded your friend to do trivia, but you forgot to do it too 🤦♂️😭
Yeah sadly.... "=( (kinda funny though 🤣 )