Reward system of some sort

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Maybe give away vip status to long term members or especially active members. Well that's what other sites seem to do, imagine allowing referrals would also help get more people as well.

that's a good idea! i like it.. we'll have to wait and see what Vedlen thinks though

Mhm I thought about doing that already but we have to actually set a a system.
What would you suggest in detail ?

yah how bout like reach a number of post ect.

Mhm I thought about doing that already but we have to actually set a a system.
What would you suggest in detail ?
Well don't want VIP status to become meaningless, so maybe have a set time period before people become eligible to even get chosen to be one. Lets say someone has to be a member for a least a month. You could even decide who you think has contributed to the site the most in recent months. After you have decided maybe on three members you could set a vote then the rest of the community gets to decide who gets awarded VIP status. I think having forum post count as a beneficial aspect may entice spam, so maybe keep it to just titles like : "Never seem them","Not active much", "Quite active", "Very active" or anything you like really.

There's quite a few ways you could decide whether people are helping the site.

1. How often they post popular topics.

2. How many people they have referred

3. Maybe just overall how social members are

4. Guess you could consider post count as long as its not spam

5. How often people suggest improvements

This was just off the top of my head but maybe you will like it, I can come up with some other conditions as well but don't want it to feel like work for people. 🙂

It would also be quite fun to watch the new three candidates every month or so trying to get votes I imagine it could bring some more life to the forums too.

JoeyNoName님이 수정했습니다. .

yep no spam thats a good idea

Well don't want VIP status to become meaningless, so maybe have a set time period before people become eligible to even get chosen to be ...
Some of your ideas are interesting. The thing is that it has to be an automatic system so I can't really take into account certain things such as "how often they'd suggest improvements" or stuff like that, you know. 'cause otherwise it'd be too much work if I had to deal with what people say and do one by one and everything 🙂

I'll think about your suggestions 😉

ok well how bout 150-250 post and u get vip. But u would need mods so people not spam. Ill be a mod if ya want

Well don't want VIP status to become meaningless, so maybe have a set time period before people become eligible to even get chosen to be ...
Some of your ideas are interesting. The thing is that it has to be an automatic system so I can't really take into account certain things such as "how often they'd suggest improvements" or stuff like that, you know. 'cause otherwise it'd be too much work if I had to deal with what people say and do one by one and everything 🙂

I'll think about your suggestions 😉

Yeah I was thinking that some of those would be hard to implement but I didn't want to just say "Judge on post count!". Well I'm sure whatever you decide to do will be good. I think the only unique suggestion in there was allowing the community to vote on it.

Thanks for listening anyway. 🙂

JoeyNoName님이 수정했습니다. .

yah let da people vote

Yeah I was thinking that some of those would be hard to implement but I didn't want to just say "Judge on post count!". Well I'm sure whatever you decide to do will be good. I think the only unique suggestion in there was allowing the community to vote on it.

Thanks for listening anyway. 🙂

Thanks for the suggestions.

ok well how bout 150-250 post and u get vip. But u would need mods so people not spam. Ill be a mod if ya want
Nuh uh you I noticed you send lots of posts already for nothing, just to increment your post counter ... 001_rolleyes
..Or keeping sending me comments to tell me to e-mail you.. If you have something to tell me why don't you just say it.
But please avoid to send lots of messages that have to actual content.

they should make VIP status free so some of us that are active members all the time should be able too? cursing

Ray Ray

Speak on Sister I feel you. I believe she has a point you could at least be a member for at least a certain number of months, days, weeks, etc. but yeah i think the referrals thing is a pretty good idea send a certain number of them and/or be a member for so long or many other options.

kk not posting useless topic got it...

but i do think u shold have mods

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