Greenlandic, also known as Kalaallisut, is a spoken language in Greenland (alongside Danish) and has roughly 50,000+ fluent speakers. Greenlandic, having few language relatives due to its isolation, has extremely complex grammar, making it one of the hardest languages in the entire world. Words can be extremely long and conjugation can be extremely overwhelming at times, and with a lack of speakers that are able to be found anywhere (even online), it's a challenge to learn Greenlandic as a whole. So, I'm hoping to find some Greenlandic friends who can help with this language because it's a language like no other and it belongs to one of the most beautiful and profound cultures in existence.
Kalaallisut eqqaallarsuaq inuttut nunaanni pillugit (Danmarkimut pilersitsineqartut) tamarmi taamaaliortut allat, 50,000+ eqqumiillu atuisut issittumi ingerlallit. Kalaallisut nunamut inuit eqqissisimaneraartumik ingerlaartumilu, allatissat qanoq aallaqqissusianik tusarniitsoqatigiinniarnera malugtuq ataasiassaqarneranngitsoq qanoq tamaasa ilertarnermut kingusinnerusulluunniit qanorluunniit ill. Pissusaannut qanoq nunarsuarmi ataasiusaqqaloqartarluni ullumi illersuisoq: Taamaaliortut ilisimatusanik pigiffatinneqartaraluarunguillu atuisoqatigiinni qanoq nunarsuarmi nunaqaqarsimasoqatigoortumik, taakkua tamaani kalaallisut attaveqarpoqassaavoq – eqqaamani ernera yooroorpaat inuit tassaani ingerlaqataamik.