Any georgian speaking people here ? 🇬🇪 Otros idiomas

My friend Alittleghost and me have found a georgian show called "Samsonadzes".
We looked for it on the Internet, and is very similar to the Simpsons,
Actully, the Samsonadzes are "the Simpsons" but "adapted" to the georgian society.
We are very intrigued and interested in this show, but we couldn't find any english traduction...
May someone who speak georgian find any traduction ? Or even translate one or all the episodes for us ? We would be EXTREMELY GRATEFUL !!!

Thank you in advance for everyone who responds to the forum !

Editado por Sabri_KC .
The parrot has a better flow than me, he is incredible omg

Este tema ha estado inactivo por un tiempo y ahora es de solo lectura.