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16, from Germany
December 18, 2020 08:50
December 18, 2020 08:50
who's your favourite Game of Thrones carakter/House? I am definitly Tyrell
49, from Germany
December 18, 2020 11:03
December 18, 2020 11:03
I liked this guy with the sword. Unfortunately he died quite soon. Then I chose the other guy with the sword, but know what I mean.
23, from Germany
December 20, 2020 16:05
December 20, 2020 16:05
I'm for House Stark and from the characters I like Brienne of Tarth and Arya Stark.
32, from Germany
December 21, 2020 12:06
25, from Sri Lanka
December 21, 2020 17:29
December 21, 2020 17:29
I am definitely a big fan of House Stark and House Tully- they are always true to their word. While many dislike House Lannister (including me) i do admire how cunning/manipulative they are. I cant choose between Arya and Sansa Stark tho. They both have amazing qualities and are brave women😂🌸
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