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have you ever watched 10 things I hate about you &the big bang theory?
Film, musica, TV
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34, da Cina
May 27, 2010 08:58
May 27, 2010 08:58
I mean the tv series.
I think kat and patrick are perfect lovers, and the boy who often give advice to camaron is very funny!
the big bang theory is my favourite. I watched it during my last spring holiday ,that gives me a lot happiness.
talk about your favourite movies,tv or stars you like
32, da Polonia
Nuovo Membro
November 30, 2010 19:53
November 30, 2010 19:53
Yes, 10 things I hate about you is so funny. Especially girls prom dresses.
34, da Francia
December 02, 2010 14:59
December 02, 2010 14:59
I only watched the big bang theory. It's so hilarious.
I also like How I Met Your Mother.
35, da Italia
December 26, 2010 00:02
December 26, 2010 00:02
I find the big bang theory very funny!
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