pretty little liars? Who is A?
Mmmh... for me A is a group of people (the A-TEAM) composte by (A)lison, (T)oby, (E)zra, (A)ria and (M)ona... but I don't know xD A could also be a twin (Alison had a twin, Courtney, with mental problems, and so she kills Alison)... but for me, if the first hypothesis is right, Toby joined the team only to protect Spencer and the others girls!
But Ian is a possible A too... DOH! xD
Mmmh... for me A is a group of people (the A-TEAM) composte by (A)lison, (T)oby, (E)zra, (A)ria and (M)ona... but I don't know xD A could also be a twin (Alison had a twin, Courtney, with mental problems, and so she kills Alison)... but for me, if the first hypothesis is right, Toby joined the team only to protect Spencer and the others girls!finalmente qualche persona che segue questo telefilm..le mia amiche non ne vogliono sapere!!! anche secondo me sono più persone..però credo che Alison in qualche modo le voglia aiutare(infatti secondo me è cappotto rosso;e molte volte le ha tirate fuori dai guai) che casino!!!!!! comunque un pò tutti nascondono qualcosa 😉
But Ian is a possible A too... DOH! xD
I'm watching it on tv and I know the book is different from the tv show. Ali has a twin only in the book so.. I don't know. Probably Hastings family has a lot of secrets anyway.
I know all the books, but just a few episodes. In the book it was first Mona because the girls was before Alisons 'dead' not nice to her. Then Mona died and after her it was Alison, who changed places with her secret, psichich sick twin sister. This twin, she's called Courtney, become the best friend of the girls and get murdered by Alison.
If you have any questions, google it
In Pretty Little Liars, Mona is A in the beginning but is killed by falling off a cliff (when trying to push Spencer off) but in the end Ali becomes the real A. Ali never died and is actually a killer. Alison has a mentally ill twin named Courtney that none of her friends knew about. Courtney escaped from a mentally ill center, pretended to be Ali, and had her sister sent to the center saying Ali was Courtney. Courtney read Alison's diary containing all the girls secrets. When Alison escaped from the center, she sneaked into the barn and kidnapped her sister and buried her alive in revenge. Somehow Mona read the diary and was A. Also in the book, Hannah finds out Mona is A and Mona hits her in a truck causing Hannah to lose her memory for a short time. Spencer also finds out Mona was A and Mona brought Spencer to a cliff and tried to push her off luckily Spencer moved away but Mona fell off and died (after this Ali becomes the real A)
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