Do you know Beautiful Creatures &would you be interested to see the M? Films, music, TV

Hello Everybody! This subject for to know if you know the novel Beautiful Creatures written by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl and if you would be interested to see the movie? It's a novel of the style Southern Gothic. It's fantastic and enough dark like novel. The serie is called The moons's book. Today there is already 4 books and Warner Bross have decided to take the rights for adapted the first novel to the screen. It's a novel interesting. The story takes place at the USA but sometimes it's difficult to follow because the story talk a lot from the past of the USA.

There for to have your opinion! 🙂

Thanks for the share.Sounds interesting.I will check it out..

I voted yes because I read and maybe I would be interested to see the movie. I saw also the first official trailer from that which seems very dark. 🙂 😛

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