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derniers messages
34 ans,
34 ans, de France
il y a 14 ans
il y a 14 ans
I think that I'm remembered of good game which was very good. 🙂
[color=red][b]Rules : It's so simple the first person say his wish. The next person who write realize his wish by adding an inconvenience. And the thirst person do a wish and etc...[/b][/color]
[b][u]For example : [/b][/u] [i]I wish to be a bird.
Second person : You are a bird but you will not live for a long time because a cat will eat you.
Thirst person : I wish to eat all dish of the world [/i]
And etc...
I begin : I wish to be a picture.
Édité par Phoebelycia il y a 14 ans .
28 ans,
28 ans, de Iran
il y a 14 ans
il y a 14 ans
You are a picture but a baby will spill tea on you!
34 ans,
34 ans, de France
il y a 14 ans
il y a 14 ans
I Wish to pass through a mirror.
31 ans,
31 ans, de Gibraltar
Modérateur Global
il y a 14 ans
28 ans,
28 ans, de Allemagne
il y a 14 ans
il y a 14 ans
I wish to be the president of the USA
28 ans,
28 ans, de Iran
il y a 14 ans
il y a 14 ans
maybe someone wants to kill you then🙂
34 ans,
34 ans, de France
il y a 14 ans
il y a 14 ans
I wish to become a blue cake which to know walk. 🙂
31 ans,
31 ans, de Italie
il y a 14 ans
il y a 14 ans
You will, but then someone will cut you, divide you and eat you... And it will hurt a lot u_u
34 ans,
34 ans, de France
il y a 14 ans
26 ans,
26 ans, de Italie
il y a 13 ans
il y a 13 ans
You become a plane, but you fall.
39 ans,
39 ans, de Italie
il y a 12 ans
il y a 12 ans
I wish to fall in love with a wonderful man 🙂
18 ans,
18 ans, de Australie
il y a 4 ans
il y a 4 ans
I wish to be bioluminescent 🙂
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derniers messages
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