Minecraft Bedrock Creative

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Does anyone here like to build stuff in creative mode? (bedrock edition)

Hmmm...sometimes. I play mostly survival though - creative mode is more something to calm myself down with. I also am not that good at building so haha. Recently I "finished" (it's not really done haha) building a zoo :3

Hey a zoo is actually a good idea for a build in minecraft, hope it turned out good.

I would like to play with someone

I'm not currently playing because of my classes, hope you find someone though :c

I tried a zoo as well. 😁
Once I started a steampunk city - but without any landshaping tools and what not (everything the pros have) it is hard work 😅

I have bedrock too and I love it to build something in survival.

i play mostly in creative

I've built a redstone calculator before,hard work XD
But finally i finished it!

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