Cyberpunk 2077

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This game about future)

Who wants this game?

it's a pretty demanding game on PC, and I think it would be released on next gen consols only, since it's has been anounced that it will officialy support real-time raytracing ! whitch is only available on PC for now. I believe that a 6core CPU paired with a 3.8 tFlops GPU would be fine to run it on high settings ! but untill then, it's all just talk !

I pre-ordered it last September. Cannot wait!

I absolutely can't wait for this one, it's gonna be awesome ! I'm on full work mode to upgrade my PC on time for this beauty haha

This is a super,super,super great game!Everyone should,should,should buy it!😂

Here ! I really love the setting and CD-Project is god like xD


I'm really excited about it, but also a little bit scared. The hype on this game is very big actually, especially in Poland, where it is creating. After Witcher trilogy CDPRED is expecting to made an awesome game, which can be called one of the best in all times. If this game will not be this, what everyone expecting, CDPRED will be having a problem. But after all, I think this game will be very good. I trust them.

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