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25, da Russia
September 17, 2014 15:29
September 17, 2014 15:29
Hey,dudes do you know about Ubisoft? Of course you know.
What is your favorite part?
Are you waiting for Unity or Rogue?
Let's talk about it~
25, da Italia
May 26, 2016 12:17
May 26, 2016 12:17
Well,i'm still playing at the first
P.S. Assassin's Creed is awesome!
22, da Perù
July 17, 2016 04:40
July 17, 2016 04:40
I finished unity and sindicate but i dont have roge.
For me they are very good games.i like the parte in unity when you have to kill the king of homeless.
21, da Italia
Nuovo Membro
June 28, 2018 09:35
June 28, 2018 09:35
Assassin's creed is my favorite game! I can not wait for Odyssey to come out even if I doubt that the plot coincides with the other games of the saga !!!!
24, da Messico
July 04, 2018 16:21
July 04, 2018 16:21
the new assassins creed doesn't even look like an assassin's creed anymore xD :'ccc
24, da Germania
July 26, 2018 17:41
July 26, 2018 17:41
Assassin's Creed Odyssey is released. Just incredible. Wanna play it!
What about you? How do you feel about it?
28, da Germania
September 09, 2020 22:07
September 09, 2020 22:07
I liked the story of the second the most
44, da Cina
September 09, 2020 22:23
September 09, 2020 22:23
I am too old to play games
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