League of Legends! Παιχνίδια

I'm not soo good with this game but i love play this game with come friends!

Do you play this game? Which lane end champion do you prefer? :blush big_smile

I like shaco!!

Do you play?

I played it a few years ago, in the end I liked the dragon girl, what's her name?

Do you play?
Yeah. I'm playing LOL!

Επεξεργάστηκε από τον/την Become_Star .

I played it a few years ago, in the end I liked the dragon girl, what's her name?
Her name is shyvana.

I played it a few years ago, in the end I liked the dragon girl, what's her name?
Her name is shyvana.
Thanks, you are right, I really liked her and I loved the dragon 😁

I play a lot of weird things but I make them work really well in normals XD
In Normals I play Top, ADC, and support.
Top: Jayce, Irelia, AD Leona (trust me it works lol)
ADC: Twitch, Corki, Tristana.
Support: Fiddlesticks, Sona, Lux.

I play on NA servers sadly 🙁
IGN: ChibuChan

ME! 😃 favorites : Vladimir and Gnar.
Im on EU servers eune


i love playing lol and maybe you already know who is my main champ XD

I have really crazy playstyle but my favourite champions are
Alistar (currently im 333 alistar of EUNE and 4,225 of the world!)
And my favourite players are Kikis and Wolf 😃

Επεξεργάστηκε από τον/την Biskup .

hi! I play mostly top and support, loving champs that are mobile like Shen, Nami, Rakan 🙂 i am not that good in solo lane but i can stand my ground playing tanks and supporting😁

OP: Master Yi ( just nonsense)
Underrated: Taric

if you want to play or just try crazy new comps and builds add me!

Heey! I play L.O.L too!
My summoner name is: GalacticARCHON
I'm level 6!
And I was wondering, who is more powerful and deals more damage?
or Sion?

Heey! I play L.O.L too!
My summoner name is: GalacticARCHON
I'm level 6!
And I was wondering, who is more powerful and deals more damage?
or Sion?

It depend which build are you go.
Pantheon best damage is when you are go lethality ( draktharr, yommu)
Im not expert at shaco but i think he can go every build
Sion you can go same like pantheon lethality or full tank ( but you wont have dmg)

lol 😃 love that game though i'm not good at it XD

we can play togheter. im italian 32 y old. But only one rules if you want play whit me. We use only inglis lenguage.

lets make a LoL team from PP🙂 drop your summoners name below guys!