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25, uit Italië
June 19, 2013 19:06
June 19, 2013 19:06
So, this game is very very easy!
Rules: someone does a question, the next person answers at the last question and then, this one does a question too; and so forth! 😃
The person who posts after me has black eyes!
26, uit Italië
July 27, 2013 14:34
July 27, 2013 14:34
And what is the first question hahaha??
37, uit Duitsland
July 28, 2013 16:13
July 28, 2013 16:13
So let me ask the first question (I guess the game is about general knowledge, right?):
Who is said to have developed the first vaccine against rabies?
39, uit Italië
July 31, 2013 08:44
July 31, 2013 08:44
So let me ask the first question (I guess the game is about general knowledge, right?):
Who is said to have developed the first vaccine against rabies?
It was Louis Pasteur... Es war Louis Pasteur... (wenn du willst kannst du mir auf Deutsch schreiben, ich liebe Deutschland!!)
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