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Hello to all those who like to discuss in the forums, I came with interesting and challenging questions that we are going to have a lot of conversations with, so stay with me until the end of this forum.💁🏻‍♀️

1- Do you believe in fate, or do you think we have control over our own destinies?

2- Do spirituality or religion play any role in your life? Why or why not?

3- Would you trade a long life for a short life full of distinction and success?

I hope you enjoyed and liked the questions I asked, the important thing is that logical comments are said and if there is any criticism, it is logical, So that we can have good conversations!🫰🏻

1- Do you believe in destiny or do you think we have control over our destiny? We have no control over our lives.

2- Does spirituality or religion play a role in your life? Why or why not? They have a role. It's a choice I made.

3- Would you trade a long life for a short life full of distinction and success? I am convinced that I will not have a long life. Success doesn't interest me. The most important thing is health.

Hello to all those who like to discuss in the forums, I came with interesting and challenging questions that we are going to have a lot of conversations with, so stay with me until the end of this forum.💁🏻‍♀️

1- Do you believe in fate, or do you think we have control over our own destinies?

2- Do spirituality or religion play any role in your life? Why or why not?

3- Would you trade a long life for a short life full of distinction and success?

I hope you enjoyed and liked the questions I asked, the important thing is that logical comments are said and if there is any criticism, it is logical, So that we can have good conversations!🫰🏻

1- I believe in that: "Faber est suae quisque fortunae". A Latin phrase meaning Every man is the artisan of his own fortune. The term "fate" is nothing but a "goat of sin" we use to veil our failures and inabilities in this life.
2- They have no space in my life. I lead myself where ever my mind is the milestone. I'm not interested in to be leaded to either paradise or hell.
3- I wouldn't trade. Anyone become successful any time but very few can keep success for a life time. Therefore short success is nothing but an illusion.

Hello to all those who like to discuss in the forums, I came with interesting and challenging questions that we are going to have a lot of conversations with, so stay with me until the end of this forum.💁🏻‍♀️

1- Do you believe in fate, or do you think we have control over our own destinies?

2- Do spirituality or religion play any role in your life? Why or why not?

3- Would you trade a long life for a short life full of distinction and success?

I hope you enjoyed and liked the questions I asked, the important thing is that logical comments are said and if there is any criticism, it is logical, So that we can have good conversations!🫰🏻

1/ yes i believe in fate 2/yes religion plays a role in my life because of my faith I have always stayed on the right path and I have respect for people and animals I also believe in the spiritual because some things are wonderful my grandparents have died and me and my grandmother have always loved each other promised who dies first would send signs to each other since then butterflies come to sit on my hand or when I cut open a kiwi it is black in a heart shape 3/what is succes? Being rich with a wow car and houses and dubai etc no give me a long life white my children my happiness from the walks in nature

Bearbeitet von Fleurke .

Thank you for the nice questions again! I will answer and hope that you like it:

1- Do you believe in fate, or do you think we have control over our own destinies?

I dont believe in fate i think but more that if you do good things that you maybe also have good things happen for you. But you have to work yourself very hard at school to get nice grades. That is not fate. Or later work too i think. 🙄🙄

2- Do spirituality or religion play any role in your life? Why or why not?

Most of my family like my mom and my grandparents and also my uncle and aunt who live close are Buddhist but we dont do a lot about it. We just try to live good lives that is important. But i want to learn a lot more about it because i dont think i know enough about it.

3- Would you trade a long life for a short life full of distinction and success?

I do not need distinction and succes to be happy. So i would prefer to have a nice life and happiness and that you are safe. If that is in a long life but you get less success i choose that. But if it is in a short life that you get that than i will choose that.

What would be your answers @Lunatic7? 😊😊

Thank you for the nice questions again! I will answer and hope that you like it:

1- Do you believe in fate, or do you think we have control over our own destinies?

I dont believe in fate i think but more that if you do good things that you maybe also have good things happen for you. But you have to work yourself very hard at school to get nice grades. That is not fate. Or later work too i think. 🙄🙄

2- Do spirituality or religion play any role in your life? Why or why not?

Most of my family like my mom and my grandparents and also my uncle and aunt who live close are Buddhist but we dont do a lot about it. We just try to live good lives that is important. But i want to learn a lot more about it because i dont think i know enough about it.

3- Would you trade a long life for a short life full of distinction and success?

I do not need distinction and succes to be happy. So i would prefer to have a nice life and happiness and that you are safe. If that is in a long life but you get less success i choose that. But if it is in a short life that you get that than i will choose that.

What would be your answers @Lunatic7? 😊😊

Thank you for your logical answers🫶🏻, they were excellent, My answers to my questions are that:

1- Destiny may not be very real because we have to determine our own destiny and when we think about the future and fix our own lives, it means that our destiny is going to go well, things may happen to many people that they say to themselves. that we are miserable until the end, but this is not the case, the fate is in our hands

2- I don't believe in this too much. All this is in our own hands. When natural or unnatural calamities occur, different religions could not prevent these problems and it is only a problem for humans. I only believe in the universe sometimes because I know that they exist, everyone should be the way they want to be, and others should not have anything to do with the religion they have or even don't have.

3- I choose a long life, because when I have the ability to make myself successful and make my life successful and the best with my own hands, then I can have a long and beautiful life