How much time???🕛🕰️⌚⌛⏱️⏲️⏰ De todo y un poco más

How much time do you spend on Penpalgate during the day?🤔

It depends on the day, sometimes i stay here for about 30 minutes or 1 hour, other days i don't come here at all

Active members have on average 3.5 visits per day, with each session averaging 16min 🤓️. Of course it widely varies

For me it depends because for example tomorrow I think I will not have a lot of time because i visit my family near Rotterdam. But on Sunday I think i will be online more often.

And during the week if it is very busy with homework I cant spend a lot of time, but other times it is easier. 🙂

Active members have on average 3.5 visits per day, with each session averaging 16min 🤓️. Of course it widely varies
I think you should take the median instead of the average

I think you should take the median instead of the average
Analytics don't show the median, and I'm not even sure on what base it considers users "active"

Analytics don't show the median, and I'm not even sure on what base it considers users "active"
Maybe if the users are logged in and online?

Maybe if the users are logged in and online?
The analytics software is one of the only pieces that isn't part of PPG per se. It doesn't know who's logged in, and it kind of works as a black box. I'm not too sure how it calculates certain reports. I suppose it can identify returning visitors and considers them "active users" or something