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I like rock music best, The lyrics of Chinese rock music nowadays are quite profound, For example, Great Youth Hostel in Hebei, China, This band has created a lot of good music.
Besides this band from Hebei,Taiwan has a Caodong No Party,Guang xi has a Huichun Dan.
汪作听到Great Youth Hostel的大石碎胸口尾奏又要开始吉烈的豆蒸了。确实,我说的对,但是小时候看這集哭啊喊吶,然後看見了醜陋的自己跳進了染缸,結果在染缸裏面見到了一攤爛泥,爛泥說:去你媽的花海。我回答說:你這麽說好帥。
(6,Those who listen to Chinese rock are crazy😃,So do i)
That sounds interessting! Can you recommend more of them?
OK,Caodong No Party's 《大風吹》,or Great Youth Hostel's 《大石碎胸口》,It should be noted that 《大風吹》 lyrics are related to family.(Because the name of that song is a Taiwanese folk game)