Proust questionnaire (thirty questions)

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01. The main trait of your character?
02. The quality you most appreciate in a man?
03. The quality you most appreciate in a woman?
04. What do you most value in your friends?
05. Your worst fault?
06. Your favorite pastime?
07. What do you dream of for your happiness?
08. The greatest misfortune that could befall you?
09. Who or what would you like to be?
10. Where would you like to live?
11. Your favorite color?
12. Your favorite flower?
13. Your favorite bird?
14. Your favorite writers?
15. Your favorite poets?
16. Who are your heroes?
17. Who are your heroines?
18. Your favorite musician?
19. Your favorite painter?
20. A hero in your life?
21. A heroine in your life?
22. Your favorite name?
23. What do you detest the most?
24. A historical figure you despise the most?
25. The historical event you admire the most?
26. A quality you would like to have?
27. How would you like to die?
28. How do you feel right now?
29. What do you feel guilty about?
30. Your existential motto?

01. The main trait of your character?

Shy and insecure a lot. But not with family or friends that is different. And I am more sensitive for some things that are normal for other persons.

02. The quality you most appreciate in a man?

If he is wise and that you feel safe with that person.

03. The quality you most appreciate in a woman?

Talking a lot until you get painful cheeks from the talking about nice things.

04. What do you most value in your friends?

Being together and having nice time. And that my friends are honest and always supporting and protecting.

05. Your worst fault?

I hesitate a lot if I feel not so comfortable. And other persons do things like it is normal and I think too much and freeze.

06. Your favorite pastime?

Being with family and friends, watching netflix or viki, swimming, crafts, going to cinema, ballet, reading my books, going to restaurant for dim sum with my family or sushi, shopping, sleeping and going to favourite bubble tea shop.

07. What do you dream of for your happiness?

That you have a nice life and have a house and maybe two children later and that you are happy and safe and have a nice job.

08. The greatest misfortune that could befall you?

Losing people I love like my family or friends. I am not good with dealing with that.

09. Who or what would you like to be?

A koala because they sleep and relax and eat and they dont have anxiety or fear.

10. Where would you like to live?

Where I live now in my country, but maybe in Amsterdam later. And I want to study or work in another country maybe one year or two years.

11. Your favorite color?


12. Your favorite flower?

I have an orchid i got as present from my uncle and aunt which I love it is white with pink. And from emoji flowers i like this one the most 🌸

13. Your favorite bird?

A small sparrow and they are not birds but I like penguins.

14. Your favorite writers?

I am now reading a book called Shame on you from Margje Woodrow which I like a lot.

15. Your favorite poets?

I dont have a favourite poet.

16. Who are your heroes?

My parents.

17. Who are your heroines?

The queen of The Netherlands: Maxima because she had lot of difficulties but is very strong and wise.

18. Your favorite musician?

IU (K-pop)

19. Your favorite painter?

I dont have a favourite painter, but my favourite museum for paintings is in Amsterdam (Rijksmuseum) and in Paris (Louvre).

20. A hero in your life?

My dad.

21. A heroine in your life?

My mom and my grandma in China but she passed away. And heroines on this website: Happyvomsee, Christine and Rose.

22. Your favorite name?

Do you mean nicknames? On school I have some nicknames like baby penguin because I am not tall and if I have books in my bag I walk like a penguin. And also koala because I can sleep everywhere very fast.

23. What do you detest the most?

Losing people and also if persons are cruel or not honest.

24. A historical figure you despise the most?

Any person who is a leader and uses it to harm people like Hitler or other persons like that.

25. The historical event you admire the most?

I have to think about that and I will write it later in edit. You mean from all history or from your life?

26. A quality you would like to have?

Feeling less shy and not being insecure. For example if you have to talk to strangers or if you talk for a group of people and they all look at you and listen.

27. How would you like to die?

I dont know. Maybe in sleep or that you are with person who you love and that they protect you and make you feel comfortable if that happens.

28. How do you feel right now?

A bit sleepy. 🙂

29. What do you feel guilty about?

Sometimes if friends need my help if they have problems I dont know what to say. So I just stay with them and listen. But I dont know always what advice I must say to them.

30. Your existential motto?

Be kind to everybody and hope you get the same back.


Do you mean nicknames?


You mean from all history or from your life?


As you prefer.

Ok so nicknames they gave at school are baby penguin and koala (I wrote above). 🐧👜🐨

And a very nice moment in my life is when in our street a baby was born. 👶 So my mom cooked to help for the parents and I give help with doing things like shopping or helping in the house. 🍼🍼 And now I am babysitting every week for them and I know the baby from first day and that is very special. He was very small but now he gets bigger and has belly like the laughing buddha! 🤭🤭

I hope many other persons write answers for you. 📝 ⭐⭐

1) i'm very insicure abt how i look and talk
6) memories with a person,watching my favorite netflix shows for the first time,summer 2019 and others
11) baby pink,red wine,black
12) roses
10) nyc
22) scarlett
23) some people
26) beauty
18) i'm kinda into melanie martinez and lana del rey but i usually listen to a bit of everything
30) life is one,do it