PPG University - The Roman Empire!

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Hey guys here are some informations about the roman empire and history and all that stuff of roman empire!

1. Lesson:

How to live in Rome:
(In the time of Emperor Hadrian (124 after Chr.): )
- more than one million ppl live in Rome
- narrow streets are full with ppl (pedestrian)
- in really hot summer days was the live of the most Roman ppl hard and unpleasant => ppl are sweatings
- ppl were trying to do their visits, obligations and purchases in the early morning hours
- ppl are living in little apartments (insulae) => without bathrooms, toilets, kitchens
- everything is tight, noisy and sticky => many ppl are living in small apartments
- the streets didn‘t had good states (most of them)
- ppl throw their trash out of the windows on the streets => (mostly in summer months) the streets were dirty and it stinky
- richer Romans didn‘t feel good although they lived in better conditions
- they owned their own houses (villa) in the near of the Alban Hills => they went there to get cooling, rest and relaxation

Villa: (A link to see it: https://www.antike-tischkultur.de/roemischeswohnen.html)
1. Entrance facades with the brand new marble columns
2. The door slaves let you in
3. you enter the "Atrium" (a pool is there) : here sometimes the dad of the family (pater familia) is greeting guests
4. if u go through the "Atrium" u come to the "Tablinum" (like a livingroom) : here mostly our parents will talk
5. if you go through the Column passage out of the "Tablinum" u come to the "Peristyls": here is a long pond with precious statues
6. if you go back to the "Atrium" and walk trough another door you will reach our magnificent "Triklinium" (this is a eating place (like a kitchen)) : from here u can see through the windows and look to the Albana Mountains
7. next to the "Triklinium" is the library of the father: all the walls filled with bookshelfs from the ground till the Ceiling
8. there are also Bedrooms, guest rooms, 3 Bathrooms (1 for warm-, one for cold- and the other 1 for hot water showers), 1 kitchen (with a toilet), storage rooms and small chambers for slaves

Bearbeitet von Esma-Nur .

Hi Esma-Nur,

it is a good idea to give a little insight
of the living in Rome to that special time.
I couldn`t believe that there were already
one million inhabitants to that time.
Well, my research confirmed it.

I added the lesson to NEWS-Report

Thank you

Hi Esma-Nur,

it is a good idea to give a little insight
of the living in Rome to that special time.
I couldn`t believe that there were already
one million inhabitants to that time.
Well, my research confirmed it.

I added the lesson to NEWS-Report

Thank you

It is just i fond all of theat from my latin book of school: Cursus (G9):


Hey Guys!
I hope ppl saw it liked it till yet cause our adventure is starting by now so now I m taking you to the 2. Lesson. Have fun!

2. Lesson

The Roman family - names, names, names:
(We will have a example of Flavias and Quintus family: )
Flavias family:
- dad: Marcus Flavius Lepidus: the dad and the head of the family (pater familia), have 3 names: Marcus: first name; Flavius: family name; Lepidus: epithet name
- mom: Caecilia: daughter of a man named with the family name: Caecilius (male form), her name is the female form of the dads name: Caecilia
- daughter of them: Flavia: daughter of a man named with the family name: Flavius (male form), her name is the female form of the dads name: Flavia => if the man had another daughter (Flavia a sister) the sister would named as: Flavia Minor the younger one or the older one would changed to Flavia Maior
- the sons of them: Marcus and Aulus
- and as a family were belonging many the slaves: the names of slaves get changed of the owner: if a slave comes from Gallia and is female, her name would called: Galla; or a male slave from Syria would called: Syrus

There were not many names in Rome so if there was an abbreviation of a name: (it would be like this: ) Q.=Quintus; M.=Marcus

Bearbeitet von Esma-Nur .

=> if the man had another daughter (Flavia a sister) the sister would named as: Flavia Minor the younger one or the older one would changed to Flavia Minor

Hi Esma-Nur,

would the older one be called Flavia minor or maior?


Yes sorry i didnt read really propearly the text thx for reminding me

S.P.Q.R !!!

S.P.Q.R !!!
Senatus Populusque Romanus ("Senate and People of Rome" or "the [Roman] Senate and the Roman people")

Senātus Populusque Rōmānus

Continuing: 2. Lesson:

1) Family members:
- pater familias (the father of the family) : the head of the family => power over the other family members: decide about the life of new born children (liberi); the baby was put at the feet of the father immediately after birth. If he picked it up, it was thus officially accepted into the family.
- matrona (the wife of the pater familias) : had supervision of everything in the house and the house slaves (they were a part of the family); they married really young (12)

2) Clothing of woman and man:
for man:
- a short-sleeved „Tunica“ + a belt (it hold it)
- a „toga“ at special events: large, mostly white
for woman:
- a „tunica“
- distinguished Roman women wore a long, simple dress over it „stola“
- sometimes they also wore a „palla“ over it
Children and slaves:
- just a „tunica“
- Sons of distinguished families also had a „Toga“ with red boots

3. Lesson:

the Roman Empire - Rome-centre of a world empire:
- Rome is (at the time of Emperor Hadrian) the capital city of a world empire
- it owned from Spain till Syria; from Egypt till Scotland
- from all over the Empire are commercial goods coming: Precious silk fabrics from Syria; silver jewellery from Spain; amber and leather and skins from the north => there was nothing you couldn't find in Rome!
- to get such a good trade ways the people managed the trades good
- the places out of Italy divided they to provinces ("provinciae")
- Since officials took over government tasks, the emperor personally sent these sounds there
- e.g. administration and intake of taxes was a governor responsible ("procurator")

Bearbeitet von Esma-Nur .

Continuing: 2. Lesson:

"provincia" - Rome and his Provinces:
Where are the provinces and the marks of it all around the world:
- the Roman Empire ("Imperium Romanum") was extended in all directions ( here the map: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Roman_Empire_Trajan_117AD.png&ved=2ahUKEwjs-fud6YOHAxUE8AIHHbReAiQQh-wKegQIFxAC&usg=AOvVaw2oXhZaENRqzWhcii9TT_ey )
- today you can find marks all over the map you can see in the link and also in languages like German and English
- e.g.:
Kesikköprü: Kirsehir/Turkey:

the Library of Celsus: Ephesus