Let's throw a big party at 10pm in the chatroom on Sunday

  • 126
  • 7
  • 34

That's right a big party this weekend!

Time differences Azmin
Its currently 10:53 here, in UK its 9:53
Soi u want it at 10 then I'll have to come at 11?

Let's do it at 10pm in UK time

Let's do it at 10pm in UK time
Then i'tll be 11 here 😒

I don’t know, this will turn into another shit.

I don’t know, this will turn into another shit.
or we'll al just sit and say "hi, how r u" and then everyone is mute 😒😒

I don’t know, this will turn into another shit.
or we'll al just sit and say "hi, how r u" and then everyone is mute 😒😒
Yes, that’s exactly how it will be. Up to 20 people can sit here at a peak and only three of them can communicate

Yaroslave_ k can you please unblock me?

Yaroslave_ k can you please unblock me?
I prefer to leave it like this for some period.

i can't i need to see my psychologist that day

i suggest friday we can say like from 19 to 21 idk,but we need to give to people more hours to join

We should do Friday night this week.

We should do Friday night this week.
not in the morning i need to sleep

How about Saturday?


Yes evening

you don't go to night clubs on saturday night azmin? you can find hot chicks there

go there instead of staying on ppg