🌧️Any Pluviophiles?🌧️

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For anyone that doesnt know whta a Pluviophile is:

It's a person who loves rain and the sound of it is called a pluviophile.
Pluviophiles may also enjoy the smell of wet earth, raindrops on their skin, and the peacefulness of rain. Some pluviophiles may even enjoy getting wet, but others may not.

(Im a Pluviophile and I know it sound crazy but I love getting wet in the rain etc)

Wow no I found people Who feel the Same 🤗


I am a Pluviophile....

Btw they just add a "phile" at end !!! 😄🤭

Next forum be like: any pedophiles? 🤭

Ahaahaaaha plz don't make 1 like that🤦🤦

I am a Pluviophile too