Who is your favorite historical figure?

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Hitler 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱

Mhmmm, Hitler (that no one should get bad like him), Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (He did made turkey), Romulus and Remus, Aeneas, Odysseus, Helena
nazi german🐤
that's not good😵

I once read a book about Elisabeth Báthory and Vlad Țepeș. Both are kind of fascinating and scaring at the same time.

Queen Elizabeth the first and Queen Victoria

Queen Elizabeth the first and Queen Victoria
Queen Victoria 👍

William Wallace

William Wallace
I like William Blake

my favorite is Eugenie empress of the French

Michiel de Ruyter

Michiel de Ruyter


Michiel de Ruyter

Dat is uitstekend!

Gugliemo Marconi…he was really cool and without his ideas we would not communicate here😃…the other one is Nicolai Tesla😃

my favorite is Eugenie empress of the French

Really? Look to Charlotte of Mexico and how Eugenie has been to her..


my favorite is Eugenie empress of the French

Really? Look to Charlotte of Mexico and how Eugenie has been to her..

Lo so ma Eugenia mi piace perché è un personaggio controverso, forte, prepotente, collerica, ma aveva anche dei pregi