What would you do if you get kidnapped by a group of vampire snails?🧛🧛‍♀️🐌 Anything and everything

I would think about a way to kill them,but snails are cute,so it would be hard to do it.
Or i would try to be friend with them,but it would be hard because they would still be vampires…🤔

Vampire snails? Che schifo🤮

Stop spamming!!!

Stop spamming!!!
A person some weeks ago created a forum about vampires so i created something like this

I love their wet nature 😩😩😩

Stop spamming!!!

Chris stop complaining 😒😒

Beata gioventù

Beata gioventù
Faccia smettere i suoi coetanei quaranetenni di lamentarsi,la prego

Beata gioventù
Faccia smettere i suoi coetanei quaranetenni di lamentarsi,la prego
Io sono un cinquantenne purtroppo 😭. Siete tutti molto simpatici 😂

I love their wet nature 😩😩😩

I would boil them and eat them 👄🐌🧛‍♀️

I would boil them and eat them 👄🐌🧛‍♀️
I prefer them fried, gives them a crispy texture

I would boil them and eat them 👄🐌🧛‍♀️
I prefer them fried, gives them a crispy texture
I like them chewy, soft and with garlic

I would boil them and eat them 👄🐌🧛‍♀️
I prefer them fried, gives them a crispy texture
I like them chewy, soft and with garlic
Mmmfggthg yum

I would take other kinds of drugs, because Vampire snails could only been a part of my existence full of drugs!!! I prefair: been captured by drunken comunist militaristic unicorns---that would be fine! Hail to the Comunist Militaristic Unicorn...😉

Edited by Piwipete .
I would take other kids of drugs, because Vampire snails could only been a part of my existence full of drugs!!! I prefair: been captured by drunken comunist militaristic unicorns---that would be fine! Hail to the Comunist Militaristic Unicorn...😉

Okay actually I'm totally into this answer XDDDDDDDDDD ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ how to pin the best answer!!!?????